I have 35 BCOIN and today is 05/17/2022 and my money cannot be withdrawn

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Tenho uma conta com 78.4371 BCOIN e não consegui ttirar e a Segunda conta com 36.4129 tentei tirar antes do dia 18 mesmo tendo 5 BCOIN para clain, TAMBEM não consegui retirar, dei um print na tela.

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You guys are unbelievable!! Bcoin is like 8 cents!! And 40 bcoins Is just $3.20!! Why on earth are you freaking out over peanuts! That is absolutely nothing at ALL. I don't understand this.

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why I cant Bcoin? there's no button on it?

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eu saquei 480 e sumiu tudo so agora vir que era até 40 o que eu faço

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Is there any possibility that you will ope again the claim of 0-39.9 bcoin?

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I have the same issue so i will to lose all my coins

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Gud pm bomb crypto what will happened to Bcoin.thank u for reply more power

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